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Commerson Dolphin

Dauphin de Commerson

De magnifiques dauphins noirs et blancs qui vous saluent lors des balades en Zodiac.

Informations sur : Commerson's Dolphin

Our Expert Says… "Often very curious, Commerson's will often bow-ride our Zodiacs, and even follow us right into shore. A lovely, compact, and striking dolphin that's often a highlight of trips to the Falklands."

The Commerson’s dolphin is a particularly striking small dolphin species that are found off the southern tip of South America and around the Falkland Islands. It’s named after French naturalist Dr. Commerson who was the first to formally describe the species in 1767.

Commerson’s dolphins are one of the smallest of all the cetaceans and grow to only about 1.5m (5ft) in length when adults. But what they lack in size they make up for in looks! Commerson’s dolphins have striking black and white markings, with a sharp delineation between the colors. Their heads, dorsal fins, and tail flukes are black, with the throat and body being a bright white. This gives them the appearance of a miniature orca or killer whale.

With a gestation period of 11 months, Commerson’s dolphins breed in late spring and summer and then give birth the following spring or summer (southern hemisphere). This means you may see calves and juveniles with their mothers during your Antarctic cruise.

Commerson’s are very active and curious dolphins and seem to enjoy bow-riding the Zodiacs you’ll use to get to shore on the Falkland Islands. They are also often seen swimming upside down! This behavior is thought to help them spot the fish and squid that are their prey.

Other key places for spotting Commerson’s dolphins include the straits and channels of southern Argentina. They are a common sight around Puerto Deseado, the Strait of Magellan, and Tierra del Fuego.

Photos : Commerson's Dolphin

Commerson Dolphin

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